Installing Sympl

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There are a couple of ways of installing Sympl at present.

You will need a Debian Linux server running Stretch (9) or Buster (10), and root access to the server. We suggest the server is freshly re-imaged, with only minimal things installed on it.

Automatic Install

There is a basic auto-install script which can be used to install Sympl with minimal intervention and point the user to important resources.

Install Stable/Production Version


Install Beta/Testing Version

bash --testing

Manual Install

Alternatively, you can install manually:

wget -qO- | apt-key add -
echo deb stretch main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sympl_mythic-beasts.list
apt-get update
apt-get install --install-recommends sympl-core

You will be prompted for a number of things during the install. Depending on the state of your system, some of these may not be asked or may be in another order:

Prompt Answer
Configuring roundcube-core: Configure database for roundcube with dbconfig-common? Yes
Configuring roundcube-core: Database type to be used by roundcube MySQL
Configuring roundcube-core: Host running the server for roundcube localhost
Configuring roundcube-core: Password of the database’s administrative user Leave Blank
Configuring roundcube-core: MySQL application password for roundcube Leave Blank
User preference (Leave blank to generate a random password) Leave Blank
Configuring phpmyadmin: Configure database for phpmyadmin with dbconfig-common? Yes
Configuring phpmyadmin: Host running the MySQL server for phpmyadmin localhost
Configuring phpmyadmin: Web server to reconfigure automatically apache2
Configuring phpmyadmin: Perform upgrade on database for phpmyadmin with dbconfig-common? yes
Configuring libc6:amd64: Restart services during package upgrades without asking? Yes
Configuration file /etc/sysctl.conf modified since installation Install the package maintainer's version
Configuring openssh-server Install the package maintainer's version
Configuring grub-pc Keep the local version currently installed
Configuration file /etc/ntp.conf modified since installation Keep your currently-installed version
Configuration file /etc/phpmyadmin/ modified since installation Install the package maintainer’s version
Configuring unattended-upgrades Install the package maintainer’s version

Remember to set the new 'sympl' users password with passwd sympl once you have installed.